About Us
As the holder of the trademark rights, the Switzerland-based V-Label GmbH coordinates international cooperation on the V-Label. The V-Label is an internationally recognized brand that was registered back in 1996.
European Vegetarian Union (EVU)
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) is supporting the V-Label. The EVU is an umbrella organization for numerous European organizations active in the field of veganism and vegetarianism and aims to promote collaboration among them.

Grønn Framtid
Grønn Framtid ble grunnlagt i 2016 og er en nasjonal organisasjon for et mer rettferdig matsystem. Organisasjonen benytter seg av åpne og demokratiske arbeidsmetoder, og er partipolitisk og religiøst nøytral.

List of V-Label Partner Organizations
Argentina: Unión Vegana Argentina
Austria: Vegane Gesellschaft Österreich
Belgium: ProVeg Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Association Eco Vegan Animals
Brazil: AGN Consultoria e Negócios (Food)
Brazil: ONG Te Protejo (Non-Food)
Chile: Fundación Veg
↳ Colombia
↳ Costa Rica
↳ Ecuador
↳ México
Croatia: Animal Friends Croatia
Czechia: ProVeg Czechia
Denmark: Dansk Vegetarisk Forening
Finland: Yve Oy
France: Association Végétarienne de France
Germany: ProVeg Germany
Greece: Greekexports
↳ Bulgaria
↳ Cyprus
↳ Egypt
↳ Kosovo
↳ North Macedonia
Hungary: Öko-völgy Alapítvány
Italy: V-Label Italia Srl
↳ China
↳ Republic of Korea
↳ United Arab Emirates
↳ United States of America
Lebanon: Middle East Vegan Society (MEVS)
↳ Bahrain
↳ Jordan
↳ Kuwait
↳ Saudi Arabia
Lithuania: Gyvi gali
↳ Estonia
↳ Latvia
Malaysia: ProVeg Malaysia
Netherlands: Vegetariersbond
Nigeria: ProVeg Nigeria
Norway: Grønn Framtid
Perú: Unión Vegetariana del Perú
Poland: ProVeg Polska
↳ Russia
↳ Ukraine
Portugal: Associação ProVeg
Romania: Asociația Veganilor din România
Serbia: Sloboda za životinje
Slovakia: Slovenská Vegánska Spoločnosť
South Africa: ProVeg South Africa
Spain: Unión Vegetariana Española
Sweden: A Better Future AB
Switzerland: Swissveg
Türkiye: Vegan Derneği Türkiye
Vietnam: Vive