V-Label Style Guide

The V-Label Style Guide provides direction and clarity on how to use the V-Label Logo and Labels, and to protect the values and integrity they communicate. Our Labels represent a message consumers globally recognize and it is therefore important to use them correctly.

Our Vegan and Vegetarian Labels are used on products which meet the requirements of the respective V-Label criteria. Only products that have been checked and approved by a V-Label licensor and where a valid license certificate is available can carry the Labels on packaging or in marketing materials.

V-Label Style Guide (Complete)

V-Label Style Guide (Complete)

PDF, 5.73 ميغابايت

V-Label Style Guide (Summary)

V-Label Style Guide (Summary)

PDF, 1.03 ميغابايت

For questions about these guidelines, please contact your local licensor.

Where can I obtain the V-Label Logo and Labels?

Licensees can obtain the relevant Label(s) in high resolution from their local Licensor. To license your product with V-Label, fill out an enquiry here.

For online and offline use (other than on products), partners, supporters, and press may find low-resolution files of the Logo and Labels under Press Materials. If you would like to make an enquiry about using our Logo, please email communications@v-label.com.

Please note:

  • The V-Label is a registered figurative trademark and should therefore be reproduced faithfully to ensure recognition. The “V with the leaf in the top right-hand corner”, the V-Label Logo, and Labels are trademarks and are the property of V-Label GmbH and V-Label Italia srl.
  • Claiming or implying that a product is licensed by V-Label without having completed the licensing process or after the license has expired or been revoked, or directly using a Label on products that have not gone through the licensing process and been verified as meeting the standards for vegan or vegetarian products set by V-Label, all count as infringement. The consequences of infringement can include legal action against the infringing party, financial damages, and orders to cease the unauthorized use.
  • If you have come across a Label Misuse (e.g. V-Label on a package that’s clearly not plant-based, or a vegetarian product mistakenly labeled as vegan), please report it here.